Anchored In Abba’s Arms

“We have this certain hope like a strong, unbreakable anchor holding our souls to God himself.” Hebrews 6:19 TPT

Christmas is all about Hope. If ever there was a time to need unshakable hope it is now. Not the unsure wishful thinking of the world. But the certain and confident expectation of God’s goodness in the form of Heaven Himself wrapped in human flesh. 

Jesus – the infant Savior who chose to leave His throne to be embraced by sinful arms so He could embrace our sinful condition on Calvary to give us His perfect condition (without conditions) in His resurrection – IS our Living Hope.

As His child, you are accepted perfectly in the Beloved. You are forever held fast to His grace, anchored in Abba’s (Daddy God’s) arms. The Greek root word for “anchor” in Hebrews 6:19 is “agkale” which has the definition of curved or bent arms or anything closely enfolding. Of course, this is the actual shape of an anchor attached to a boat or ship. 


On that cross, Jesus, the Arm of the Lord (Isaiah 59:16), with His outstretched arms, defeated our death and annihilated the effects of the accuser so we could be swept back up into our Father’s presence wrapped in His righteousness and unearned favor.

He knows your heart beloved. He knows what you’ve been struggling with. He knows your doubts, fears, regrets, stress, worries, infirmities, guilt and shame. He knows because He took them for you. And He did so to give you His Shalom; His peace, health, wholeness, fullness and life abundant.

Don’t try to come to Him with pretensions. Don’t try to show yourself strong. Just run into His arms and take refuge in His unconditional love and inexhaustible care. Jesus is your steadfast stability, provision and rest. Believing He shelters and supplies you right where you are will keep your soul (your mind, will and emotions) from tossing to and fro in the midst of the storm. 

What are you expecting from your Abba? When the prodigal son came home, in lack, after making an utter mess of his life and disgracing his father, he was expecting to be barely accepted as a servant. Instead, he was shown his true identity as a son. 

His Father ran to him with compassion, threw his arms around him in a tender bear hug, lavished kisses on him, wrapped a robe of righteous around him, put the seal of sonship on his finger, slipped sandals of salvation on his feet, prepared a superabounding feast for him and celebrated him all night! All because Jesus, the One True Sacrificial Calf, was killed in his place! (see Luke 15:17-24).

“And now we have run into his heart to hide ourselves in his faithfulness. This is where we find his strength and comfort, for he empowers us to seize what has already been established ahead of time—an unshakable hope!…Our anchor of hope is fastened to the mercy seat in the heavenly realm beyond the sacred threshold,” Hebrews‬ ‭6:18-19‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Jesus is speaking to your heart to come back into His rest and expect the unexpected. All you need and desire is found in Him. And it comes by way of a deeper revelation of who He is and all His love accomplished as and for you.

Jesus is your Anchor. Jesus is your Hope. You are not helpless or hopeless when HE alone is the One who fastens you to your Father’s everlasting faithfulness. His blood is irrevocably binding. His oath is eternally established. Therefore, His promise to bless you over and over is unchangeable! 

The only thing that hinders your experience of this ever-flowing source is unbelief. When you attach yourself to the anchor of self-analysis and religious busy work, condemning yourself for not doing enough or trying to earn these blessings, you will “sink.”

But when you LET GO and consent to be loved as you are, you will find your calm. When you TRUST Jesus meets you in your weakness and frailty to be for you what you could never be for yourself, you will soar above the squalls.

And when you SURRENDER what’s consuming you and RELEASE the need to have control (of which you have none), you will be kept in the currents of His healing waters.

“Set-apart one,” choose to see yourself the way God sees you. You are already tethered to the Throne of His loving kindness and profound goodness through the work of His Christmas cross. Now all you have to “do” is just believe and receive!

Merry Christmas!

Resting In His Love,

Annalee Reyes


Jesus has been pursuing you relentlessly all your life. If you’ve never received Jesus Christ as your forgiveness, your Lord and your Savior, you can pray this simple prayer from your heart and become born again, a brand new creation and child of Daddy God, your loving Father:

“Heavenly Father, Thank you for sending your Son for me. I believe He came to earth to be born in the flesh to die my death on the cross. I believe His blood washed my sins away and completely cleansed me. I believe He redeemed me from every curse by becoming my curse and was raised from the dead because I was declared justified and righteous. Jesus, come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior. I am now fully forgiven! I am a child of God, blessed, favored and incomprehensibly loved. In Jesus Name. Amen!”

One thought on “Anchored In Abba’s Arms”

  1. I’m so thankful for ALL Jesus did for us at Calvery! What an Awesome and loving Daddy! I celebrate and rejoice in our ONE TRUE GOD, SON,& HOLY SPIRIT! Thank you for ALL YOUR promises and eternity with YOU! I love You ABBA FATHER!

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