Thanksgiving For The Hungry Heart

When was the last time you woke up in the morning and thanked your Daddy God for…you? When you open your eyes, do you realize He kissed you awake? As you exhale and yawn, do you discern you’re inhaling His breath? Do you thank Him because He made you His marvelous masterpiece and has marvelous plans for you?

Maybe this Thanksgiving you need reminding that “thanks-giving” is actually “thanks-receiving,” and all that you have gratitude for is in direct relation to how you see God, how loved and accepted you believe you are and how much you believe He freely gives.

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When God Is Silent

I don’t know about you, but I have heard and read so many well-meaning messages and devotionals about why, when and how God is “silent.” And every one was tainted in some way with a religious tone. Some would point to God being silent during certain seasons of your life while others would suggest He is waiting for you to arrive at some point. Regardless, there is only one truth to His silence. And in this love letter, I hope the sound of that verity resonates freedom in your soul. It’s the reason I can’t keep quiet!

In this gospel, there is only good news. And the more intimate I become with God and the more He reveals to me His heart, His finished work and His ways, the more undone I become in His love and grace. Now don’t get me wrong…there has been many a “season” in my relationship with Jesus when it has felt or seemed as though God were silent. Actually, it felt more like He was completely ignoring me! But as He has gently unraveled the chains of lies that religion loves to keep us bound in, I have come to see just how He relates to and communes with us. And it’s always in Perfect Love.

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