Forgiven and Forgotten Devotional

“And by His one perfect sacrifice He made us perfectly holy and complete for all time!…And then He says, “I will not ever again remember their sins and lawless deeds!” So if our sins have been forgiven and forgotten, why would we ever need to offer another sacrifice for sin?”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭10:14, 17-18‬ ‭TPT‬‬

No matter how much you think this can’t be true…it is! Beloved, you are FORGIVEN. FORGIVEN. FORGIVEN. The mistakes and failures you can’t forget, your Father can’t remember! And won’t! EVER! Your entire lifetime of sin has already been dealt with at the cross!

The blood of Jesus-His liquid love-is far greater than your biggest offense! In His sight you are perfected forever! This is your confidence! You can run straight to Him no matter what you’ve done or what you’re going through…and be met by Perfect Love!

No more offering sacrifices of performance to please Him. No more wallowing in guilt. No more confession speeches. Just a ‘thank you’ will do. Especially in the midst of your messing up – ‘Thank you Daddy God for making me a new creation in Christ; beautiful and righteous in your sight!”

This is grace! This is the gospel! This is your freedom, believer! Got an addiction? A problem? Confess your righteousness, not your wrong-doing. And watch how Jesus takes care of it for you, through you.

So today, when you feel like you haven’t done enough or the accuser whispers in your ear, ‘look what you just did,’ …

Fuh-get-about-it! And go to your Father to receive the the favor you don’t deserve but get anyway because of Jesus! And live!

What though the vile accuser roar, Of sins that I have done; I know them well, and thousands more; My God, He knoweth none…My sin is cast into the sea. Of God’s forgotten memory. No more to haunt accusingly. For Christ has lived and died for me.”(His Be The Victor’s Name, hymn)

Resting In His Love,

Annalee Reyes

I Hear The Sound

“Go, eat and drink, for there is the sound of a heavy rain.” 1 Kings 18:41

Have you been hard-pressed on all sides during what seems like a never-ending season of drought? Perhaps you’ve been weathering a desert storm that seems it will never let up. Have you been wondering when you’ll see the winds of change? I believe the Lord wants to bring a Word of encouragement to you (His beloved) as He prepares you for His downpour of blessings.

God wants you to see more of His Son. When you see Jesus, you see the Father; His heart, His nature, His grace…His love for you. At the beginning of this year (2018), just after the Philadelphia Eagles won the Super Bowl, I wrote an article about having Eagle Vision; an enlightening of your heart, flooded with the revelation of the Person Jesus and what He did for you in His death, burial and resurrection.

Continue reading “I Hear The Sound”

Prince of Peace Devotional

“But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5

The Prince of Peace reminds you, you don’t have to bow to the thoughts waging war in your mind, to the fear pursuing to paralyze you, to the symptoms working diligently to debilitate you.

For HE, The Prince of Peace, the Victor of the violent cross, the Resurrected One who is living in you is far greater than the one who is in the world.

HE has bequeathed to you His very Shalom (His rest, tranquility, wholeness, health, prosperity and exemption from internal havoc) so that in the midst of life’s chaos, your trust in His Presence on the inside can actually transform the atmosphere on the outside.

Remember, your Papa knows what you need. So choose to place it all in the hands of His Perfect Love; the hands that paid for your provision. And see how those hands fill you with His plenty in His perfect time.

“The only hope for enduring peace is Jesus Christ…In the midst of ALL circumstances, God’s grace, PEACE and joy are there.” ~ Billy Graham

Resting In His Love,

Annalee Reyes