A New Year of Rest

“…You can’t force these things. They only come about through My Spirit…” Zechariah 4:6 msg

The best thing you can resolve to do in 2018 is to rest in what Jesus has done. The life of grace and intimacy with your Savior, is the life of trusting more and trying less. His unconditional love invites you into the unforced rhythms of grace by letting go of trying to “fix” yourself and letting Him do for you what you can’t do for yourself.

Did you know He’s actually attracted to your weaknesses and can’t wait for you to brag about them? Why? Because when you realize your need for Him, His grace explodes there. Society shouts “Be more and do more!” But Jesus reminds you, at the cross, He took your place and gave you His so you can be loved as you are and rest in what He’s done…to receive the desires of your heart instead of strive for them.

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