Release The Weight of Worry

Cast your burden on the Lord [releasing the weight of it] and He will sustain you; He will never allow the [consistently] righteous to be moved (made to slip, fall, or fail).
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭55:22‬ ‭AMPC‬‬

We all worry at times. But being in a perpetual state of worry or anxiety is unbelief. 

We stress because we don’t believe  our Savior finished the work of becoming our sin and making us righteous in Him. We panic because we have forgotten our Prince of Peace paid for our promises. We fret because we take thought of our troubles, instead of taking them captive and bringing them to the obedience of Christ on the cross (2 Corinthians 10:3-5), where they were made extinct!

Beloved, when you are in unrest (striving inwardly) it’s as if God rests. But when you, who are seated in Christ (far above all principality and power), take up your position of rest, He works. When you let go, His grace flows. 

When you carry the load of your burdens and cares, you are in essence saying that the work of redemption is not complete. 

But Jesus, The Lover of your soul, is saying to you, “Unload your concerns on Me by being real with Me. Release the weight of that which I bore. All you need and desire is found in Me. Let not your heart be troubled by simply trusting in My perfect love for you.”

So here’s what I’ve learned through it all: Leave all your cares and anxieties at the feet of the Lord, and measureless grace will strengthen you.
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭55:22‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Resting In His Love,

Annalee Reyes